Poster Instructions

Poster Printing

Please submit your poster for printing via email to Kris Davidson,, by no later than Friday, March 3, 2023, at 12:00pm

  1. Create your Poster using Microsoft PowerPoint.
    • Save and send your poster file in .PDF format with the standard poster size of 48”W x 36”H
    • PDF should be high quality and actual size (i.e., don’t save as a 11″ x 8.5″ PDF — if the original poster is 48″ x 36″, be sure the PDF is that size when saving)
  2. Email your poster file to and cc:

    Poster Setup

    Thank you for attending the poster session at the 2023 NIPM Symposium to be held at the Las Vegas Marriott! Please plan on setting up your poster between 7:30am – 8:00am on March 9, 2023.